A Journal of Self Expression for Preschoolers

This entry was inspired by my own need to want to clear my head by any means necessary, which happened to be in the form of an art journal. I had never done one before now but after accidentally coming across one on Pinterest, I couldn’t help but wonder if this could be a way for my preschoolers to start a journal without worrying about who can write. All preschoolers can draw or at least scribble with crayons, paints, and markers making an art journal something of a treasure for years to come. I have been looking for a way to have my little preschoolers express themselves with a theme instead of just random dots or shapes. I wanted them to hear my question and answer in their own way. Art journals have been key to that form of self expression for my students. Teachers please hear me when I say you do not have to spend a fortune for this to take place in your classroom. I took 1 piece of construction paper with 4 pieces of plain white paper. Folded both the construction paper and white paper in half then cut down the seam. Put white paper in between construction paper, stapled together, and VIOLA……. an art journal was born:)


Please note that I am not the world’s best artist but the front can be whatever you would like…….

I explained to the children about what art journals are and how people use them. I also showed them my first art page so they could get the idea of what this little book could be about. Each week (I like to do them on Fridays) I give the children a theme and allow their imaginations to go wild. This week was HAPPINESS (what makes each child happy)…….

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While the kids were working I asked them about their journal page… one preschooler told me that rain/ puddles made him happy while another student drew a sun because the rays of sun made her happy. I did not make them share their journals with the class because even the best artists liked their privacy. A very fun way to help those little ones become creative and accomplish self-expression.

Note: I will be sharing my art journal pages on my health blog www.aprilsgettingfit.wordpress.comĀ if you are interested in seeing what example I had shown my class.